The first step I took when creating the Winter 2012 Who is Tomasso Antonio promotional video was to gather all audio and video settings. After all settings were assessed the creation of an audio and video syncopation chart was necessary.
The audio's tempo is 120 beats per minute. The video editing program has a default setting of 30 frames per second. Since the 30 frames per second setting creates limitations, a modification of the allotted frames per second, per note, was necessary. Example, because a quarter note requires 16 frames per second one would need 32 frames to equal 2 quarter notes, however, the default setting only allows 30 frames per second. So in order for the audio to sync with the video's frames one would have to modify each quarter note to 15 frames per second. This creates a chain reaction making it necessary that the subtraction of a single frame is accounted for at the end of each note category division.
Once the audio and video syncopation chart was complete the evaluation of the score was necessary to plot were movement would take place within each individual frame.